
Een blik op nieuwe technologieën

A selection of innovative technologies that will define next level design and fan experiences for festivals and live acts are to be showcased during ADE TECH on Thursday October 17th.

After recent updates about Tomorrowland celebrating 15th anniversary at Ziggo Dome and focusing on mixing and production with David Wrench, we continue with more conference news. Designing the future fan experience is an in-depth panel discussion between three design studios, all of them working with some of the biggest festivals and live acts.

The panellists will be drawing on their years of experience to judge what works best for events and fans, and in the process reveal what the future of live fan engagement is likely to look like. In order to get the maximum impact and relevance from the situation, Stephen Lieberman (SJ Lighting), Heather Shaw (Vita Motus) and Sander Reneman(TWOFIFTYK), will present five innovations that they believe could have a significant impact on stage design in the years ahead. 

Lees hier meer.

Bron: Amsterdam Dance Event