A group of professionals from across member organisations, manufacturers and designers in the live entertainment industry(1) had a very productive meeting in Brussels on 17 May on the issue of Stage Lighting with the European Commission. As a result, we have agreed to channel our work into seeking to draft a specific, technically based, exemption for lighting uses in the Stage and Entertainment Industries in the new proposed Eco Regulations planned for 2020. This work needs to happen quickly with our collective comments being channelled through Pearle(2) to the European Commission in advance of the next draft of the regulations due in late June.
(1) The meeting was between representatives of the EU’s Energy & Culture departments and Pearle representing its members in all EU states including SOLT/UK Theatre, the trade associations PLASA, VPLT and OETHG, the ALD, IALD and the Association of Swedish Lighting Designers. There was a delegate from EU´s Environment department attending the Energy meeting as well.
(2) PEARLE*-Live Performance Europe is the European federation based in Brussels representing its members in the field of music, theatre and other performing arts or live entertainment to the European Institutions.
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